When is the best time to plan a family photo shoot?

25th May 2021

You’re sat there pondering the answer. Perhaps some of these questions ring true for you…

Should I wait until the weather is warmer?

Maybe I should wait until my baby can sit unaided?

Oh I think I’ll wait until I’ve lost a few more pounds?

I could wait until the next milestone, maybe near a birthday?

My child has a wobbly tooth, maybe I should wait until that’s come out and probably best until it’s grown back?

Bit muddy underfoot at the moment, maybe I should wait until it’s drier?

It’s impossible to schedule a shoot when my child has all these clubs to go to, I should probably wait for a break in that.

I’ll wait until my acne has cleared up.

It’s too much hassle getting out with young children, maybe I’ll wait until they’re older?

All this and then some. Minds on overdrive wondering. Sometimes we can overthink so much that we forget to live for now – for right now!

Taking a moment to have a little dig in the sand on Mersea beach.

family photo shoot Essex

Sister cuddles and big smiles for their Mum & Dad during their Golden Hour shoot – Galleywood Common, Chelmsford.

Life isn’t perfect. Family life is messy, chaotic and unpredictable. With that comes the beauty of now – a time in our life that we will yearn for once things become easier. (Also that’s a lie, things change and there are new worries!)

Truth is there isn’t a magical perfect time in your life to have a photo shoot. Sure, we see images of baby milestones and celebrations – but what about all those in-between moments when we are living our lives? Those times are the most precious to me. As an adult I’m sure you have printed proof of multiple childhood birthdays and holidays. Less likely are those walks with your family or trips to the park. Yet those are the times I feel the most nostalgic for!

mersea photo shoot

Two little boys ready for action in their superhero capes – Cudmore Grove at Golden Hour.

branding photo shoot essex

Time together at the park – Taken as part of a Branding Shoot for Beautiful Bonds.

So forget about all those things holding you back. Actually better still talk to me about it so I can reassure you that we can make it work!

Now all you have to do is pick the location and yes I’ll help you with that too! In fact you might find this blog useful – Choosing a location for your family photo shoot.

I LOVE planning your photo shoot with you, from selecting the location to creating clothing mood boards. I’m all in. Let’s do this!


My daughter recently helped me to test my brand new 85mm lens. I adore her gappy smile! In that moment on that day it was part of her – Now she has two big teeth!


Contact me sarah@saraheverettphotography.co.uk

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